Author(s): Akshay R. Yadav, Shrinivas K. Mohite


DOI: 10.5958/2321-5844.2020.00016.3   

Address: Akshay R. Yadav*, Shrinivas K. Mohite
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Rajarambapu College of Pharmacy, Kasegaon, Dist-Sangli, Maharashtra, India-415404.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 11,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2020

Aquasomes are like "bodies of water" and their water as properties protect and preserve fragile biological molecules and this property of maintaining conformational integrity and high degree of surface exposure is exploited for targeting bio-active molecules such as peptide and protein hormones, enzymes, antigens and genes to specific sites. These three layered structures are self-assembled by ionic and non-covalent bonds. These carbohydrates stabilize ceramic nanoparticles and are known as "aquasomes." The pharmacologically active molecule added to the carbohydrate surface of preformed nanoparticles through copolymerisation, diffusion or adsorption. The discovery of aquasomes includes a principle of microbiology, food chemistry, biophysics and many discoveries including solid phase synthesis, supramolecular chemistry, change of molecular shape and self-assembly. Principal of “self assembly of macromolecule” is covered by three physiochemical processes that interact with charged group, the interaction of charged group promotes the long-range approach of the charging group of self-assembly sub-units also plays a role in stabilizing tertiary structures of folded protein.

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Akshay R. Yadav, Shrinivas K. Mohite. Aquasomes as a Self Assembling Nanobiopharmaceutical Carrier System for Bio-Active Molecules. Research J. Topical and Cosmetic Sci. 2020; 11(2):89-94. doi: 10.5958/2321-5844.2020.00016.3

Akshay R. Yadav, Shrinivas K. Mohite. Aquasomes as a Self Assembling Nanobiopharmaceutical Carrier System for Bio-Active Molecules. Research J. Topical and Cosmetic Sci. 2020; 11(2):89-94. doi: 10.5958/2321-5844.2020.00016.3   Available on:

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