Inflammation is the self-protection reaction of the body to remove damaging foreign particles and start the healing process. In the body inflammation is act as protective and defense mechanism. Much pathological variations occur inflammatory condition. The production of effective inflammatory mediators is caused by Host proteins or microbial products; such as complement proteins, kinins and coagulation structures, Activated by microorganisms and damaged tissues. Inflammation can classify inflammation as either acute or chronic. Primary aim of the present study was to investigate the possible anti-inflammatory and antibacterial mechanism of Psidium guajava extract using in-vitro model. Ethyl acetate extract of Psidium guajava was evaluated in vitro model by protein denaturation method for anti-inflammatory activity and disk diffusion method for antibacterial activity. The ethyl acetate extract of Psidium guajava significantly inhibited % protein denaturation as compared to standard drug and extract shows promising antibacterial activity against different fungus species. It can be postulated from the observed results the anti-inflammatory and antifungal activity of Psidium guajava could be due to its inhibition of protein denaturation and minimum inhibitory concentration.
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Akshay R. Yadav, Shrinivas K. Mohite. Screening of In-vitro anti-inflammatory and Antifungal assay of Psidium guajava Leaf Extracts. Research J. Topical and Cosmetic Sci. 2020; 11(2):62-64. doi: 10.5958/2321-5844.2020.00011.4
Akshay R. Yadav, Shrinivas K. Mohite. Screening of In-vitro anti-inflammatory and Antifungal assay of Psidium guajava Leaf Extracts. Research J. Topical and Cosmetic Sci. 2020; 11(2):62-64. doi: 10.5958/2321-5844.2020.00011.4 Available on: https://rjtcsonline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2020-11-2-3
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