Author(s): Shushank Sharma


DOI: 10.52711/2321-5844.2021.00016   

Address: Shushank Sharma
Department of Pharmaceutics, Amity Institute of Pharmacy, Amity University Uttar Pradesh Sector-125, Noida-201301, U.P. India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 12,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2021

The oral route is the most convenient route of administration for various drugs. It is viewed as the most convenient, most secure, and economical route for patients. Fast disintegrating tablets are popular these days as they disintegrate in the mouth within a few seconds without the use of water. The burdens of regularly used medications in pediatric and geriatric patients have been overwhelmed by quick-dissolving tablets. Natural superdisintegrants have been used for fast-dissolving tablets because they are biodegradable, chemically inert, non-harmful, more affordable, and generally accessible. Natural polymer improves the properties of the tablet as it is commonly used as diluents and binders. Natural super disintegrants decrease the release time and give healthful results to the patients. Most polymers are obtained from nature, they are cost-effective, non-toxic, and non-irritants. Disintegration is the most important step for releasing the drug from the tablet matrix to decrease the disintegration time. In this, drug and polymers come in contact with water, it swells, hydrate, and react chemically to release the drug in the mouth and gastrointestinal tract. Superdisintegrants are those substances that encourage the quick breaking down with a lesser amount contrasted with disintegrants. The quick disintegrants tablets are set up by utilizing suitable polymers which rely on the Physico-chemical properties of drugs and excipients, for example, drug and polymer compatibility, hardness and thickness of tablet, nature of drug and excipients, PH of drug and release parameters of drug formulation. Superdisintegrants are the vehicles added to tablet formulation to advance the breaking of tablets and capsules into small microparticles in aqueous media resulting in to increase in the surface area and promote quick drug release. The disintegrants have a significant capacity to oppose the efficacy of tablet binders and compression forces to form the tablet. Commonly there are three methods to incorporate disintegrants into the tablet: A. Inner addition, B. External expansion, C. Internal, and external addition. Most of the regularly based tablets are those expected to be swallow, disintegrate and release medicaments in the gastrointestinal tract but over a while tablets are manufactured to deliver medicaments in the mouth and gastrointestinal tract within few seconds of swallowing. It has been demonstrated that characteristic polymers are more effective than synthetic polymers. Some research is going to develop safe and effective medication with super disintegrating agents that can be dissolved rapidly to treat the disease.

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Shushank Sharma. An overview of Natural Superdisintegrants. Research Journal of Topical and Cosmetic Sciences. 2021; 12(2):113-4. doi: 10.52711/2321-5844.2021.00016

Shushank Sharma. An overview of Natural Superdisintegrants. Research Journal of Topical and Cosmetic Sciences. 2021; 12(2):113-4. doi: 10.52711/2321-5844.2021.00016   Available on:

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