Bioengineering techniques have turned the way of cosmetics evaluation towards the non-invasive direction. The numerical assessment of skin properties improvement sounds interesting to the consumers. Bioengineering techniques have attracted the minds of many researchers and beliefs of consumers towards cosmetic. Instruments developed under these techniques are harmless. These techniques are fruitful not only for the cosmetics evaluation but also for comparative studies and for treatment of diseases. In efficacy studies of cosmetics, of particular importance is the epidermis, its water content, its composition, and its barrier function. It facilitates the quantitative evaluation of moisturizers, fairness creams, sun protection creams, anti-aging products, scrubbers etc.
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Sneha Sahu, Swarnlata Saraf. Bioengineering Techniques for the Efficacy Studies of Herbal Cosmetics. Res. J. Topical and Cosmetic Sci. 1(1): Jan. – June 2010 page 1-12.
Sneha Sahu, Swarnlata Saraf. Bioengineering Techniques for the Efficacy Studies of Herbal Cosmetics. Res. J. Topical and Cosmetic Sci. 1(1): Jan. – June 2010 page 1-12. Available on: https://rjtcsonline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2010-1-1-1