Author(s): Chaudhari Urvashi R, Chauhan Jaydeep, Vyas Jigar, Ghodkar Janhvi


DOI: 10.5958/2321-5844.2020.00012.6   

Address: Chaudhari Urvashi R*, Chauhan Jaydeep, Dr. Vyas Jigar, Ghodkar Janhvi
Sigma Institute of pharmacy, Ajwa-Nimeta Road, Waghodia, Baroda, Gujarat 390019 India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 11,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2020

The present investigating aims at development and evaluation of Herbal Gel using natural ingredients which gives therapeutic effect without any side effects. The gel was prepared using carbopol with addition to the natural Radish and Carrot Extract with Methyl paraben and Colouring agents. Then Gel was adjusted to Ph. 7 prepared formulation was evaluated for physical appearance, PH, Spredability, Viscosity and homogeneity, skin irritation on animal model (rabbit) and antifungal (reduces the fungal infections on skin), antimicrobial activity on human volunteers. ICH guidelines have followed for stability studies. Results reveal that gel showed good appearance, homogeneity and spread ability. Viscosity is ranging between 4200and 4500 centipoises. All formulation has shown on skin irritation to animals. The prepared gel has successfully reduced fungal infections, Bacterial infection and microbial infection and also gives Glow and Coldness effect on skin study on human volunteer. The gel was found useful in treatment of skin Rashes and produces faster skin recover and damage skin cell, produced Glow and Coldness effect on skin, antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial effects. The preparation was stable under normal storage conditions for 6 months.

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Chaudhari Urvashi R, Chauhan Jaydeep, Vyas Jigar, Ghodkar Janhvi. Herbal Radish and Carrot Topical gel. Research J. Topical and Cosmetic Sci. 2020; 11(2):65-69. doi: 10.5958/2321-5844.2020.00012.6

Chaudhari Urvashi R, Chauhan Jaydeep, Vyas Jigar, Ghodkar Janhvi. Herbal Radish and Carrot Topical gel. Research J. Topical and Cosmetic Sci. 2020; 11(2):65-69. doi: 10.5958/2321-5844.2020.00012.6   Available on:

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