A review on Lotus:
use in herbal cosmetics
Sable Namita V., Pagar Swati A.
Department of
Pharmaceutics, R.G.S. College of Pharmacy, Sapkal
Knowledge Hub, Anjaneri, Nashik,
Maharashtra, India.
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Cosmetic industry is seeing many changes
with the growing awareness about the safety and lesser toxicity of herbal
ingredients. Herbal cosmetics are used more and more now-a-days. Various review
and research articles are available for studying herbal cosmetics and also for
studying the herbal ingredients present in them. Lotus i.e. Nelumbo nucifera has been used in herbal
cosmetics as an active ingredient since ages. Yet, there is lack of a proper
detailed review on this herb which has innumerable applications. The roots,
leaves, seeds, flower, stigma and stem have activities that can be made use of
in cosmetics. Lotus has been reported as a highly effective whitening and
anti-wrinkling agent and hence is widely utilized in anti-aging cosmetic
preparations. Several other cosmetically beneficial effects of lotus have also
been reported. This article aims at filling the gap between available
scientific data and applications of Lotus. It is a widely used herb but a
detailed organized review is not available. An attempt has been made to provide
the same.
KEYWORDS: Herbal cosmetics, Lotus, Nelumbo nucifera, Anti-wrinkling, Whitening.
Now a day’s cosmetics are
considered to be essential commodities of life. Several herbs have been
mentioned in ayurveda which can be used to obtained
healthy skin and glowing complexion. Ayurvedic
literature describes over 200 herbs, minerals and fats to maintain and enhance
the health and beauty of skin. Today there is once again a revival of
preference for natural products, and in recent years there is great upsurge of
Indian herbs. Ayurvedic cosmetics are in use and
practice since thousands of years in India, without any side effect and are
well proven and documented. [3]
The lotus plant
has its roots firmly in the mud and sends out long stems to which their leaves
are attached. The leaves are sometimes, and flowers always, raised above the
water surface. The beautiful and fragrant flower opens in the morning and
petals fall in the afternoon. The fruits are a conical pod with seeds contained
in holes in the pod. Nucifera-
means "having hard fruit". When the seeds are ripe, they
become loose in the pod. The pod then tips down towards the water, releasing
the seeds. [6]
Lotus is a herb having a range
of the cosmetic activities with it, it is different parts are used in the
formulation of various skin care cosmetics like anti-acne, anti-wrinkle, as a
skin whitener etc. Whole plant is having the medicinal activities, its
different parts used are flower, seeds, roots, stem, stigma etc.
Botanical description:
Botanical Name(s): Nelumbo nucifera
Family Name: Nelumbonaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Proteales
Family: Nelumbonaceae
Genus: Nelumbo
Species: N.nucifera
Name(s): Sacred Water
Lotus, Sacred Water Lilly, Pink Lotus, Nelumbo Lutea, Bean of India
Parts used: Petals, seeds, leaves, roots
Habitat: Found in ponds and swamps[2]
An aquatic
perennial, Indian lotus is the national flower of India and Vietnam. The roots
of the plant are firmly planted in the soil of the pond or river bottom. The
leaves can be seen floating on the top of the water surface. Lotus grows to a
height of about 150 cm, with a 3-meter horizontal spread. The leaves can be as
large as 60 cm in diameter, while the showy flowers can be up to 20 cm in
diameter. The fruits are a conical pod, with seeds contained in holes in the
pod. The lotus flower can be seen in hues of pink and white. It is native to
Greater India and commonly cultivated in water gardens. It is known as kamala, svetakamala and pankaj in
Sanskrit; kanwal in Hindi; kanwala
in Unani; tamara in
Malayalam; tamarai in Tamil; nelumbo
in French; indische lotosblume
in German and nilufer in Persian. Native to the Asian subcontinent from Persina to China and Japan.[6]
varieties of lotus:
The genera
lotus flower is a type of water lily belonging to the Nymphaea
and Nelumbo.
1] White lotus:
The Egyptian
white lotus flower (Nymphaea lotus) is austere and
beautiful in its simplicity. Also known as the Tiger Lotus or Egyptian White
Water Lily, this plant grows in various parts of East Africa and Southeast
Asia. It has rounded petals and tooth-edged leaves, grows in shallow waters,
blooms at night, and remains open until midday.
2] Blue lotus:
The smaller
blue lotus flower (Nymphaea caerulea)
is native to the Nile. Also known as the Egyptian Blue Water Lily, the lotus
has narrow, pointed petals, and floating leaves with smooth edges. It opens its
flowers in the morning and closes at dusk.
3] Red or pink lotus:
The red or pink
lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) is
the national flower of India, and is commonly known as the Indian lotus or
sacred lotus. Found in southern Asia, this lotus flower was introduced into
Egypt about 2,500 years ago but is no longer found in the Nile region. Its
flowers are usually found on thick stems rising several centimetres
above the water.
4] Yellow lotus:
yellow lotus (Nelumbo lutea)
is native to California and throughout the eastern half of the U.S. and Canada.
It is also known as the American lotus or Water-chinquapin. The pale yellow
scented blossoms are smaller than those of the sacred lotus.[7]
Chemical constituents:
It contains, (+)- nuciferine, romerin, nerenyuferin, neferine, lotusine, isoliensinine, quercitin, flavonoids, isoquercitin, leukodelphinidin, myristic acid, palmatic acid, oleic acid, linoleic
acid, protein, fat, carbohydrate, starch, moisture, sucrose, calcium,
phosphorus, iron, ascorbic acid, aspirin, Vitamin B, Vitamin C,anthocynins, Vitamin E.
Reported activities:
Rhizomes or Leaves:
are used with
other herbs to treat sunstroke, fever, diarrhoea,
dysentery, dizziness, vomiting of blood, haemorrhoids. The
whole plant is used as an antidote to mushroom poisoning.
The embryonic
seeds for high fever, cholera (Chinese), nervous disorders and insomnia; the
seeds to stop vomiting, relieve indigestion and diarrhoea
or just as a tonic.
Pounded petals
for syphilis; for cosmetic unguents (Java); the flower stalk with other herbs
to treat bleeding from
the uterus.
The pods
contain alkaloids that stop bleeding.[6]
Lotus is also
helpful in controlling the burning sensation due to its cold potency, improving
the skin texture and complexion, improves mental condition and
regularizes the peristaltic movements, treats urine related problems and
maintains the body’s normal temperature, leaf
paste is applied to the body in case of fever and inflammatory skin conditions,
leaves of lotus are taken with sugar to treat rectal prolapsed, stamens
are mixed with jaggery and ghee to treat haemorrhoids, leaves
and flowers are useful in many bleeding disorder, Lotus flowers are prescribed to promote
conception, The petals alleviate thirst and
inflammations while the seeds are powdered and mixed with honey to treat cough,
Lotus when taken with ghee, milk and gold, is considered a general tonic to
promote strength, virility and intellect, Lotus petals are used for garnishing
and the leaves are used for wrapping food.
stamens are dried and made into a fragrant herbal tea.[1]
Uses of lotus in cosmetic:
Lotus is a herb having various
activities on skin, its major role is anti-wrinkle and skin whiteliser
.It also act as a anti-acne due to its antibacterial property, it reduces the
heat generated on skin in acne due to its cooling effect. It is reported to
reduce the stress and gives the relaxing and calming effect on skin. It reduces
the pigmentation of skin and improves complexion. Gives soothing and emollient
activity, it improves the texture of skin.
Mode of action on skin:
There are various active
ingredients present in Nelumbo nucifera
which gives different mode of action on skin. Skin whitelising
property is due to the inhibition of tyrosinase
present in leaf, flower and seed extract. Antiwrinkle
activity is due to the inhibition of elastase and
DOPA oxidase inhibition. The extract of the flower is
having antiradical activity which prevents tanning of the skin due to harmful ultraviolate rays.
Root extract of lotus is having favourable effect on inhibiting of CGRP [calcitonin gene related peptide] which is a
neurotransmitter involved in skin reactivity.
CGRP stimulates IL-8 giving inflammation due to irradiation of skin by
UV rays which is prevented by lotus extract. Extract of lotus inhibit melanin
synthesis as it blocks the tyrosinase which is key enzyme in the melanogenesis.[4,5]
Analysis of chemical
constituents of lotus can be carried out by using various spectrophotometric
methods these includes HPLC, UV/VIS.
Lotus is a widely used herb in
cosmetics. It has been reported to possess anti-wrinkle, whitiliser,
anti-acne, coolant, and calming, relaxing properties. Some of the marketed
products containing lotus and its parts or extracts are: Veet
hair removal gel, AHAVA Mineral Botanic Body Lotion, Clarisonic
daily acne cleanser, various Neutrogena products, Lotus sunscreen, etc. It has
proved itself time and again to be a highly beneficial and useful herb. This
article gives the necessary data on lotus. Its use is encouraged and even if it
has been extensively used, it still offers a wide scope of research
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on 22.10.2013 Accepted on 15.12.2013
Publications all
right reserved
Res. J. Topical and Cosmetic Sci. 4(1):
July –Dec. 2013 page 81-83